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I have enjoyed our sanctuary theme this summer. With only a couple of weeks left I thought I would remind you to visit our
library, if you havent done so already. Thanks to Faye Huges and Lyn Goertzen, there are some books related to finding
sanctuary that have been selected for your

Sometimes, all we need to create sanctuary is a good book and a comfy chair. You would not have been able to convince me of that when I was growing up. Reading was never a favorite pastime of mine because it was very difficult for me to concentrate long enough to finish a book. When I reached university though, my whole world changed when I discovered
that I really needed glasses. What a difference that made. Now, I really enjoy creating some sanctuary time to curl up
with a book and let my imagination roam.

I typically like to escape into a novel at some point in the summer, but this year I have been reading a couple of inspirational books to help with our summer theme and to broaden my perspective. No doubt you have heard a lot about the book Glynis and I have read Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life”, by Dacher Keltner. Yes, there is science and research shared here, but Dr. Keltner also shares stories that help make this an interesting read.

The second book I have read this summer is The Light We Give: How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life”, by Dr.
Simran Jeet Singh. I knew nothing about Sikh wisdom before and I found this to be an informative and easy read. Im hoping there may be some interest in exploring other faith stories as weseek to find common ground with our neighbours.

Peace and joy,