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Journey into Lent
Our Lenten journey began this week with a reflective, evening Ash Wednesday service. It was a service of prayer, of letting go of the past, of remembering our baptism, and remembering our mortality as we were markedwith the sign of the cross. As I think about it now, all the elements of this type of service are very poignant right now as we begin gradually coming out on the other side of a pandemic.

These forty days leading to Easter is typically a time of self-reflection and prayer. The rituals we now practice in Lent come out of the gospel story of the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness following his baptism. That wilderness time for Jesus was a time of fasting and praying and sorting out what his ministry would be about. Some people still fast during Lent, while
others give up something. Some commit to a particular spiritual practice, or an act of social justice in the community. Some choose to simply read and reflect. Whatever we choose to do during Lent, it should be about mindfulness changing
something up in our routines that make us zoom into the moment and pay attention differently.

I hope this season of Lent will be meaningful for you and that you have the opportunity to refill your spiritual cup. I look forward to walks with you Sunday afternoons, study group on Wednesday evenings, and of course, our Lenten services Sunday mornings.

Peace and joy, 
