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Reign of Christ Sunday

This week we turn our attention to endings and beginnings. Reign of Christ Sunday stands at the gateway to a new liturgical year when all comes full circle.  Through Christ, God's peace, love and justice dwells within all things.

As we look back over the past year through the lens of our church seasons, we recall the feelings of anticipation through Advent, the birthing of something new in the Christmas season, the "Aha!" moments of Epiphany, the questions and reflections through Lent, the resurrections of Easter, and the presence of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Our faith stories help us make sense of 

With all of this in mind, I have been reflecting on my own endings and beginnings. It is hard to believe that it is nearly a year since I arrived here at Sunnybrook. This new beginning with you has been amazing, even through all the pandemic challenges. From the moment I arrived on Epiphany Sunday last January, I felt your warm welcome and encouragement. I 
have accompanied some of you through difficult times of letting go, and I have dreamed and schemed with some of you of
what might be. We have worshipped together, grieved together, studied together, and prayed together.

How appropriate that this will also be our Stewardship Sunday. As we reflect on our endings and beginnings over this past year, we can offer our gratitude for all we have been able to accomplishtogether  connecting with the Remembering the Children Society, opening a Godly Play room,walking our labyrinth, supporting the Canadian Foodgrains Bank and Camp Kasota East, and installing solar panels. All of this supports our vision and mission, creating and sustaining a caring
community of faith. Now, with your help we can begin dreaming of what will be as we pay attention to all we are being called to, in such a time as this.

Peace and joy,
