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Ready to

The excitement is definitely in the air this week as we prepare to welcome visitors and guests for the 60th anniversary of Sunnybrook United. Even the rain in the forecast will not dampen our spirits. All the activities we have planned will go rain or shine. We are looking forward to lots of visiting and sharing stories.

This beautiful quilt was made by Katherine Field for this celebratory year. You will see it lovingly displayed behind the choir loft in our sanctuary. Our gratitude goes to Katherine for this beautiful gift and the many ways she supports this congregation. Katherine is one of those people who quietly works away in the background, generously offering her time and talents to all our events and activities. Thank you, Katherine, for your gracious spirit, and for all you do. We are so glad you
are part of our community.

This occasion has given us all the gift of honouring the Sunnybrook story and remembering significant relationships over the years. Those of us who are newer on the scene are given an appreciation for the spirit that brought this community together. These are all the stories that once brought to life the words of our mission and vision, words that continue to inspire who we are today as we continue to grow and respond to the world around us.

I look forward to visiting with everyone throughout this weekend. I’m especially looking forward to reconnecting with Chris Giffen, Gord Oaks, and Josh McHan, and enjoying their music and energy Saturday evening and Sunday morning. The party is ready! Time to celebrate.

Peace and joy,