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Family and

‘Twas the week before Christmas when what I did dread
Turned out to be covid – I landed in bed.
The work I had planned, and the baking to do
Out through the window it all quietly flew.

All through this season you’ve heard me explain
It’s time to make room in your hearts once again.
Take time for “you,” let go of some things
You’ll be surprised of the joy it will bring.

Letting go of each thing when you’re forced to comply
Helps one to focus on what is inside.
Even though some plans have gone by the way
Hearts will still warm as we reach Christmas Day.

So even when best laid plans go awry
The birth of the Christ Child is still drawing nigh.
All that we need is to let the Christ in.
Merry Christmas to you and to all of your kin.

Wishing you simple pleasures
this Christmas season, filled
with hope, peace, joy, and love,