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Bear Witness
To The Light

You are probably familiar with the maxim – once you see something, you can’t unsee it. Of course, that applies to things
both pleasant and unpleasant. When we witness something, or learn something new, it changes our knowledge base, which
sometimes changes who we are, or how we behave, because of what we now know. Perhaps you have had an experience that left your heart crying out, “this is going to change everything.”

We continue with the story of John the Baptizer this week, focusing on his role as the one to bear witness. “He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him.” (John 1:7) John was to prepare the way for God’s light to enter the world through the life of Jesus. Bearing witness is about more than an observation. Testifying to the light seems to require a wholeother level of commitment. It’s the thing that changes everything.

John was called to bear witness and testify, in order to open up the possibility that we might do the same. Once we see the light of God’s love incarnate in the world, it changes who we are. What if our very lives become our living testimony? In other words, what if how we behave is proof of God’s love incarnate in the world? May that be our Christmas challenge this year. May we dare to believe God’s love is incarnate in you and me, and may we let that light shine. This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine! (African American,1920’s)

Peace and joy,