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What’s a Remit?
You will be asked your opinion on a remit. It occurred to me that if you are new to these parts, you may not know what we are talking about.

Of all the dictionary definitions I found, this one comes the closest to describing what we are up to: to submit or refer for consideration, judgment, decision, or action (Merriam-Webster). It’s sort of like our United Church of Canada (UCC) version
of Cross-Country Checkup!

Our last General Council (national gathering of our church) approved an amendment to our founding document, The Basis of Union. Yikes, did I say change? Now, because we are a friendly, “everybody in” kind of church, the GC can’t make a change to our Basis of Union without checking in from coast to coast to coast.

This particular remit is about acting on our intentions toward right relations with the National Indigenous Church within the UCC. If we all agree on this remit, it will enable the National Indigenous Church to define its own structure and processes within the UCC. It will help to redefine our relationship together. The National Indigenous Council has described it as moving “from missions to Indians’ . . . toward being ‘partners in God’s call to all the earth.”

This is just a snapshot. I encourage you to check out all the info you can find on this remit, and then share your thoughts with someone on our Sunnybrook Council. Our Council members have been asked to listen to the thoughts and wishes of the
congregation. Not everyone has a vote, only the Council. We want to accurately represent the wishes of Sunnybrook, so your
input is important to us. Thanks (in advance) for sharing your ideas with us.

Material from General Council 44
Remit 1 Study Guide

Peace and joy,