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Addressing World Hunger

It has been said many times that there is enough food for everyone in the world. We just need to figure out how to even out the distribution. The Canadian Foodgrains Bank does amazing work addressing that very challenge. It is fitting in this season of thanksgiving, when our own local grains and vegetables are harvested, that we take the time to look beyond our own
borders and consider the challenges of food distribution worldwide.

The United Church of Canada is one of fifteen Canadian churches and church-based agencies that work in partnership with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. The work of the Foodgrains Bank is to address emergency food needs in developing countries, and to work at the government level for longer term solutions.

I hope you can join us for worship this Sunday, as Doug Maas from the Canadian Foodgrains Bank will be our guest speaker. We will learn much more about this organization and the work they are doing to address hunger worldwide. At the Soup and Buns lunch following worship Doug will also be available for further questions. All proceeds go to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.

There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread (Mahatma Gandhi). Perhaps by our participation in organizations like the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, in some small way, we can be the face of God in the face of hunger. See you on Sunday.

Peace and joy,
