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A forced option is a pressing issue that requires decisive action. You have a choice. You can take that action or you can not take it, but in a forced option situation, not to take action is still a decision. Imagine, for example, that you are driving toward a cliff really fast; you have options: you can either slam on the brakes really hard, or you can turn sharply, or you can do nothing. But if you decide to do nothing, you are in effect deciding to go over the cliff. In the same way, an addict may realize that he or she has to change or face the consequences; a bickering couple may realize that they
either have to change or the marriage will die; a parent may realize that a relationship with a child has to change or the child’s rebellious behaviour will lead down a disastrous road; an employee may confront the choice to perform better or get fired.

We need to face tough choices about where we need to change. When we discover things we need to change, then we repent. Repentance doesn’t mean to feel guilty, it means to change the way we live and act, both individually and communally.