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Like Mary, “God invites all of us to become Godbearers – persons who by the power of the Holy Spirit smuggle Jesus into the world through our own lives…” [Dean and Foster, The Godbearing Life, p. 49] That’s scary. We’re used to positions with job descriptions and limited hours. The invitation to bear God, to smuggle Jesus into the world is an amazing, terrifying invitation.  

And so to us as well the promise is made “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you… For nothing is impossible with God.” To us as well as to Mary, that promise is made, that the Holy Spirit will make possible what seems to be impossible.  

Mary must respond to this impossible invitation, and so must we. Her answer is “let it be with me according to your word,” not that different from her son’s “thy will be done.” Each week, when we pray the Lord’s Prayer, when we put a little piece of ourselves on that offering plate, we are echoing Mary’s answer, offering not just our money, not just our activity, not just what we do, but ourselves, to the creator.

We say “yes” to the one who first said “yes” to us.