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Maundy Thursday

Each week through Lent we have added another piece of the story to our chancel. The pillars, candles, and earth elements represent our reflections on this year’s study theme. The palm fronds from our Palm Sunday Processional have added the
final piece to the display.

This message will be arriving in your inbox on Maundy Thursday, which is a rather significant day during Holy Week. If we follow the story through, this would have been the day Jesus and his disciples gathered in the upper room to share their Passover meal together. We remember this Last Supper each time we celebrate communion.

We also remember that during that supper Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. As their teacher he was demonstrating what they must do for one another as servant leaders. And finally, we remember the new commandment Jesus gave his disciples, “that you love one another just as I have loved you.” This is how everyone will know they are his disciples. The name “Maundy” is thought to have come from the Latin “Mandatum novum do vobis” (“a new commandment I give to you” John 13:34).

Many traditions and rituals have come from the events of Maundy Thursday, such as congregations sharing a meal together, the washing of feet or hands, giving alms to the poor. Perhaps you can take some time today to think of the experience of sharing a meal together with friends, and what it means to lovingly serve one another. May these thoughts take us through Good Friday and onto the dawning of a new day on Easter Sunday.
Peace and joy,