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Spirit Break
I think this week is a good time to offer a spirit break as a reminder of the benefits of creating balance in our lives. I dont
know about you, but I need a reminder every now and then to incorporate a spiritual practice into my day. It can be a
wonderful gift for our mental health to regularly take a break from our doing, and to create the space to dwell with the      sacred within and among us.

Spiritual practices do not have to be complicated. The simpler they are, the easier they are to practice. Wherever you are right now is a good place to start. A spirit break is a mindful moment that could involve reading or journalling, walking, playing music, drawing, or painting. Thanks to Glynis, you are given a mindful moment opportunity with the gift she includes in The Perk each week.

Here is a spirit break for you today that will prepare you for the scripture readings this Sunday.
Pour a beverage of your choice.

Sit comfortably in your favourite spot.

Take a deep breath in and slowly let it go, along with any tension or squirrelly thoughts.

Read the following: Micah 6:8 He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Take another deep breath and read it again.

How is this verse speaking to you today?

Give thanks for this moment.

I wish you peace in your day and in your week.