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All Fired Up

What gets you fired up in your day? This week’s earth element is fire. As I make connections between the element of fire and
our lived experiences on the trails this Lenten season, I couldn’t resist sharing this picture. We were certainly fired up last
Sunday on our Lenten walk, just to keep warm! With the sun shining though, it turned out to be a great walk. We even had chickadees eating from our hands.

Sometimes being fired up is a positive thing and sometimes it shows up as anger. It is the spark that puts us in motion in response to something we are passionate about. In the physical sense we know fire to be the earth element that produces light, flame, and heat through the process of combustion. Forests need wildfires from time to time for regeneration, but
as we consider the climate crisis of our planet, our attention turns to the devastating wildfires we experience each summer.

Perhaps a spiritual practice for you to explore this week might begin by lighting a candle flame. Sit before the candle and take in the beauty and the challenge represented in that flame. Consider the things you are passionate about. What sparks your curiosity? What do you feel called to respond to individually and in community, in ways that engage your gifts and passions?

Peace and joy,